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Welcome to Fostering

Thank you so much for volunteering your home and your time to fostering with Friends of Faye. Fostering is an essential part of any rescue, and an integral part of our continued success. It is our hope that this Foster Handbook will provide useful and needed information for you throughout your relationship with FOF. We encourage you to read this document in its entirety and refer to it whenever needed. Once again, thank you for becoming a foster!

If you have not done so already, please join Friends of Faye’s Facebook group ‘FOF‐Fosters’. This group will provide you with the opportunity to network, connect, and get helpful advice from fellow fosters and volunteers!

What can you expect from Friends of Faye?

You should expect for FOF to cover all routine and necessary veterinary care for your foster. All Veterinary appointments need to be made by Hillary Egan, Catherine Doyle, Sharon Robbins or Jennifer Shirodkar. Any questions about medical treatment should be directed to Hillary, Catherine or Jennifer. In addition to necessary medical treatment, FOF also provides its fosters with the following items, as needed:

  • Dog food

  • Collars

  • Leashes

  • Supplements

  • Crates

    If you need any non‐medical supplies, such as those listed above, please feel free to post a request in the ‘FOF‐Fosters’ Facebook group, message FOF directly, or email

    What does FOF expect from its fosters?

    FOF expects its fosters to perform several functions as part of their volunteer work with the rescue. As a foster, you will be required to not only care for your dog, but also interact with potential adopters. It is our expectation that as a representative of FOF, you will maintain a level of professionalism and integrity in your discussions with adopters.


    FOF expects fosters to be able to provide transportation within reasonable distances to: events, veterinary appointments, and Meet & Greets (M&G).
    Foster Failing
    Foster Failing is defined as a foster deciding they would like to keep the dog they’re fostering. FOF, in a majority of circumstances, does not encourage foster failing. There are, however, times where we 
    understand that the foster home may be the perfect home for a dog. In these cases, the adoption must be approved by the Board of Directors, as are all Adoption Applications.Adoptions to other FOF volunteers must also be approved by Hillary Egan or Catherine Doyle. If another volunteer or foster is interested in adopting your dog, please inform us as soon as possible.


Bio Updates

FOF requests that fosters provide a basic bio of their dog within 72 hours of arrival, but no later than one week after your foster has arrived. You may provide this information to, or post in the FOF Volunteers Facebook group.
Some examples of important information to include within your dog’s biography are:

  • Are they good with cats?

  • Are they good with large/small dogs?

  • Are they good with young/old children?

  • Are they crate trained?

  • Are they house trained?

  • How do they react to meeting new people?

  • What is their energy level?

  • Do they have any noteworthy medical concerns (Arthritis, Hip‐Dysplasia, Limp, Heartworms)

Be your foster dog’s biggest advocate. The more often you post new photos, videos, and biography updates, the more quickly your foster is likely to find its forever home.



Many of FOF’s dogs come in with basic shelter photos. These are often unappealing and do not attract adopters. Tracy Steven Photography has graciously offered to take photos of our rescue dogs. Please reach out to Hillary, Catherine or Sharon to arrange a photo appointment with Tracy. Additionally, please do the best you can to provide updated, clear, photos of your dog from several angles. Videos are also encouraged! Pay attention to lighting! Dark, blurry photos do not get the same level of attention as bright, clear photos.

Reporting Undesirable Behaviors

If your foster dog begins exhibiting undesirable behaviors, such as growling, biting, attacking resident pets, humans, or showing any other behaviors that make you uncomfortable, please notify us immediately.

Reporting Health Concerns

If upon receiving your foster dog, or throughout the duration of their stay, you notice any concerning medical issues/concerns, please bring them to the attention of Hillary Egan and Catherine Doyle immediately.

How do I select my Foster Dog?

By joining the FOF Facebook group, you will be able to search for a post titled “FOSTER PLEA”. This will list all current dogs needing a foster.



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